970 Walker Street CALUC Meeting – February 16th, 7:00PM
970 Walker Street – Community Association Land Use Committee
Date: February 16th at 7:00PM
Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 934 1739 1198
Passcode: 640848
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The Vic West Community Association is hosting a Land Use Meeting regarding the proposed development at 970 Walker St.
About the Project
The proposed development, 970 Walker Street, is located in the Victoria West neighbourhood and is currently a vacant, irregular-shaped lot. It is currently zoned under R1-S2, Restricted Small Lot (Two Storey) District. The Owners, are looking to maintain the R1-S2 zoning and add a secondary suite, as a permitted use, to a new single-family dwelling.
The Role of Community Association Land Use Committees:
It is important to note that the purpose of this meeting is to begin the conversation between the community and the applicant. The Land Use committee does not have the power to make decisions on behalf of the city; instead, we are a point of contact for community members, and we do record comments and pass them along for council’s consideration. The Committee is here to ensure these important conversations happen and community consultation occurs. If you’d like to learn more about the role of Community Association Land Use Committees (CALUCS), please visit https://www.victoria.ca/
The Vic West Community Association does not tolerate rude or aggressive behaviour. All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and constructive manner. Participants that are unable to follow these guidelines will be removed from the meeting.
For information about the application, please visit
If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can provide your comments, concerns, and feedback here for the CALUC, Applicant, and Council consideration