VWCA Land Use Committee – Vic West Neighbourhood Plan Survey Results
The Vic West Community Association – Land Use Committee (VWCA LUC) facilitated a review of the second draft of the Vic West Neighbourhood Plan (VWNP) that was released in January of 2018. Special thanks to the 20-25 interested and dedicated community members who were involved with the intensive VWCA LUC review process that resulted in 26 proposed recommendations for improvement of the VWNP.
The 26 proposed recommendations were included in a survey intended to measure support by VWCA members. The survey results from 150 VWCA members were ranked and integrated into a letter that was sent to the City (see attached letter and survey results).
The VWCA LUC will be facilitating a review of the City’s response to feedback on the second draft of the VWNP. This is expected to take place in April. All VWCA members are welcome to participate.
Where and how was the community notified of the survey I didn’t hear about it until after it was over the last Community Association minutes that were posted are from November 2017 I was watching for an update there was none. Very disappointed with the lack of communication. It used to be Community Association members all were sent a copy of the minutes apparently it’s all done online now but they’re not posting the minutes regularly so unless you’re on some special list I guess you miss out!
The VWCA Land Use Committee survey was sent out via email to all VWCA members. If you didn’t receive an email you should check with the VWCA to see if you have opted out of getting emails..
Hello Jack Meredith – Have tried to get your email address re: the BCSEA Youth Involvement Project
Well I guess that’s the “special” list! Without minutes being publicly posted regularly it seems very “exclusive” to the regular residents. The last minutes that were made publicly available were from 2017, is there a reason the minutes aren’t posted regularly? There might be more public involvement if minutes were made more available,
I, too, would be interested in seeing the 2018 minutes. Is there a reason why they are not posted regularly?