(RESCHEDULED) Bayview Roundhouse Land Use Meeting – August 17th, 2021
The Victoria West Community Association is hosting a Land Use Meeting regarding the proposed Bayview Roundhouse Development at 355 Catherine St., 251 Esquimalt Rd., 253 Esquimalt Rd., 259 Esquimalt Rd, 200 Kimta Rd., 210 Kimta Rd, and 45 Saghalie Rd.
The meeting will be held on August 17th at 7:00 PM. Due to ongoing social distancing measures, the meeting will be held virtually on zoom.
Bayview – CALUC Community Meeting:
Meeting ID: 917 2376 9986
Passcode: 074013
**All residents within 100m of the addresses above will receive mail notice of the meeting.
About the Project
The Bayview development is currently in stage 3. A short description of the 3 phases is as follows:
Phase I – is the 10 acres on the Bayview hilltop that includes Bayview One, Promontory, Encore, the seniors building on the southeast corner, and our marketing office on the edge of the hill. This 10 acres was zoned by the Province of BC in 1997/1998. We got involved in 1999/2000 to try to implement the zoning. Some city councillors objected to the zoning, so we could not get a development permit for Bayview One until 2006. Subsequent permits were equally complicated and delayed, so Encore was not completed until 2017/2018.
Phase II – is the south part of the Roundhouse site where, after many years of planning, we got zoning for 4 buildings in 2008, followed by a development permit for one site almost 10 years later along with a development permit to restore and lease the heritage buildings after some of the residential buildings were completed, the site remediated, and construction activity was not as dangerous for the tenants and their customers.
Phase III – is marked on the site plan north of the tracks where we are proposing 3 rental buildings and one condo building on the west end towards Catherine Street and 2 condo buildings on the east side by the Roundhouse across from the dog park. This northern site is the larger of the two Roundhouse parcels and is the last and only site we are zoning at this time. Our masterplan material describes the vision as a “place for everyone” including affordable housing in the one rental building along Esquimalt towards Catherine Street. It is hoped that the zoning on Phase II and Phase III will provide enough population to support restaurants, a marketplace, and other necessary services to make this centre a special vibrant and successful place on Victoria’s west side. Our proposal does not involve any changes to Phase I or Phase II.
The Role of Community Association Land Use Committees:
It is important to note that the purpose of this meeting is to begin the conversation between the community and the applicant. The Land Use committee does not have the power to make decisions on behalf of the city; instead, we are a point of contact for community members, and we do record comments and pass them along for council’s consideration. The Committee is here to ensure these important conversations happen and community consultation occurs. If you’d like to learn more about the role of Community Association Land Use Committees (CALUCS), please visit https://www.victoria.ca/EN/main/residents/planning-development/development-services/community-association-land-use-committees.html or take a look at the description of our role from the City of Victoria’s Terms of Reference below.
- Facilitate dialogue between applicants and the community to identify issues (both positive and negative) regarding OCP amendment, rezoning, variance1 and liquor license applications.
- Be knowledgeable about the Neighbourhood and Precinct Plan(s) and inform and empower neighbours through education to be involved in the development application discussions. CALUCs may also wish to comment on the interpretation of the relevancy of policies and whether development applications fit with the spirit and the intent of the Neighbourhood Plan.
- Communicate to everyone involved regarding issues identified with OCP Amendment, rezoning, variance, temporary use permit and liquor license applications o the adequacy of the community consultation.
The Vic West Community Association does not tolerate rude or aggressive behaviour. All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and constructive manner. Participants that are unable to follow these guidelines will be removed from the meeting.
For information about the application, please visit
https://www.victoria.ca/EN/main/residents/planning-development/development-services/community-association-land-use-committees.html .
If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can provide your comments, concerns, and feedback here for the CALUC, Applicant, and Council consideration