Free Seedling Distribution Day – June 12th
We are giving out FREE seedlings!
Stop by Banfield Park on Friday, June 12th between 10:00 AM-2:00 PM to pick up things like cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, kale, tomatoes, and basil! 🥒🥕🥦🍅
The first half-hour of the event (10:00AM-10:30 AM) is reserved for seniors and those with compromised immune systems. To ensure we can help as many people as possible, we’ll be setting limits on the numbers of plants per household. Take only what you need and be kind to our volunteers & staff!!
We also ask that…
– If you are sick, please stay at home
– Please respect proper social distancing measurements – 2m
– Please sanitize your hands at the beginning and end of the
seedlings pick-up (hand sanitizer on site)
– Please bring your own tray or carrying mechanism to take home
the plants
– Please do not pick up or touch plants you are not taking home;
take the first one you touch
Our volunteers will be sanitizing surfaces often and wearing proper PPE. We ask that if you have a mask, you wear it as well!
Thanks to the City of Victoria – Local Government “Get Growing” initiative for making this possible!
More info at: https://www.victoria.ca/EN/main/residents/parks/growing-in-the-city.html
Gardening for the first time can be quite a daunting task, so we’ve compiled a list of resources to help! We strongly recommend you have you’re growing area ready and prepared before you pick up your plants.
Resources to help you get prepared:
Caring for your plants
Plant Growing Guides