
VWCA 2022 AGM Minutes


Minutes — February 22nd, 2022

7:00 P.M. Held virtually

With humility and gratitude, we acknowledge that the land on which we gather as guests is the traditional territory of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Lekwungen, also known today as the Songhees and Esquimalt nations.

Attendance:  Justine Semmens, Amanda Allan, Mike Medland, Jaymie Humber, Joshua Cain, Dar Purewal, Patti Parkhouse, Reinhard Trautmann, Veronique Plante, James Aitken 

Regrets: Kent Verge

  1.   Call to Order

Meeting called  to order at 7:13 pm. 

  1. Confirmation of quorum: confirmed, have quorum. 
  2.   Adoption of agenda

Motion: Moved by Amanada Allan that the February 22nd, 2022 AGM agenda be approved. Carried. 

  1.   Approval of February 23rd, 2021, AGM minutes

Motion: Moved by Amanda Allan that the February 23rd, 2021, AGM minutes be approved. Carried.

5.  Executive reports:

President – Justine Semmens

  • Thanks expressed to the committee, volunteers and directors
  • Alyssa Beurling, James Munro, Veronique Plante and Laura Tate have retired. Thanks were extended. 
  • James Aitken, Reinhard Trautmann and Joshua Cain were nominated as directors in 2021. Nominating committee is putting forth their names for elections by the general membership for the 2022 board of directors. 
  • The nominating committee is putting forward Justine Semmens and Mike Medland for re-election to the board of directors 
  • Amanda Allan, Dar Purewell,  Kent Verge, Laura Tate and Patti Parkhouse will continue to serve out their elected terms
  • New members are very welcome

Vice president & Secretary – Dar Purewall 

  • This fiscal year ( 2021 to 2022) there were 358 regular members, in the previous fiscal year there were 331 regular members. There was a net increase of 27. 
  • In Business and Organizations and Friends of the VWCA there were no increases in members. 

Treasurer – Mike Medland 

  • Primary funders of the VWCA include the City of Victoria, the Government of Canada, the Government of BC,  Island Health, Private Donors, and customers of the community association 
  • City grants were up, primarily due to the Great Neighbourhood Grants. 
  • Received a couple of flow through grants – one was for an art project and the other was for the Trees in the City, which increased revenues. 
  • Centre programing has primarily been childcare 
  • Child care grants have been a big portion
  • Centre rentals haven’t been as high as they have been in the past. 
  • Major expenses were staffing, program costs, Centre operations, and general fund expenses ( including grants) 
  • Little over $700,000 in total expenses resulting in about $65,000 surplus leaving the Centre in a healthy position
  • Strongly funded
  • Have surpluses that can be put to work moving ahead
  • Anything that the VWCA could be doing for the community – should be brought to the board so budget amendments can be made. 
  • Cash strong in terms of the balance street
  • Done well in maintaining cash balances 

Executive Director – Jaymie Humber 

  • Pandemic restricted programming and caused staffing challenges
  • Were able to climb a bit in registration although not back to full programming
  • Stayed open except for a 2 week shut down in April
  • Had summer job grant – 3 full time staff positions
  • 112 kids in summer camp program 
  • Work towards portables didn’t go through. Were advised not to sign an agreement with the school district. Agreement was not what was put forward in the original grant
  • Lots of seedlings made available in the community
  • Thanks extended to city, board, program providers, instructors and volunteers. 

Motion: Moved by Mike Medland that the executive reports be received. Carried. 

  1.   Committee reports:

Food Security Collective Committee – Patti Parkhouse

  • Guiding principle: cultivating community by growing and sharing food
  • Usually at least 2 events. Because of the pandemic these were cancelled ( corn roast and Orchard Wassail) 
  • Thanks extended to volunteers ( 102 volunteers helped out for a total of 425 hours) 
  • Business support from Fry’s bakery and the Spiral Cafe 
  • Thanks extended to the city of Victoria and Mike Hill for his support 
  • Received two 2020 My Great Neighbourhood Grants – Vic West Fruit Trees in the City Grant for $7000 and Get Growing Vic West Plus $5000 and a $500 Micro Garden Grant were received
  • Good food fundraising in support of High Point Church food hampers
  • Trees in city challenge – planted a total of 85 fruit trees
  • Get Growing Plus supplied 43 families with planters and soil to participate in the city get growing program to receive vegetable transplants so they could grow food
  • Do it Yourself Boulevard Garden Box. Built 3 boxes in support of 3 families. This is still ongoing. Working on signage to install. 
  • Big project is the Vic West Elementary School Children’s garden. This was initiated by the closure of the Rain or Shine Community Garden. Were evicted from the space and needed to find somewhere to move beds. VWCA is classified as a community partner working on this project. Still working on install. 
  • Free seeds and free libraries – 1000 packages of seeds distributed in library boxes throughout Vic West
  • Evans street orchard is still going 
  • Banfield community orchard was very successful this year
  • Banfield commons was really successful as well. 

Governance Committee – Kent Verge

Land Use Committee – James Aitken

  • Thanks extended to volunteers sitting in on the committee
  • Lots of public hearings this year from single family homes to multifamily developments
  • Vic west has an exciting future for these developments

Projects and Events Committee- Veronique Plante

  • June 25th, Vic West fest

Transportation Committee – Amanda Allan

  • 2 Walkshops with the city that have been significant and impactful. One focused on transportation on the street and the other on parks 
  • 1 Walkshop in September focused on area close to Community Centre and around the school and the second one was solely focused on Banfield park which took place in January 
  • Two city transportation staff and Michael Hill were involved in the walks. 
  • Board was contacted about issues they noticed 
  • Measures can be taken to bring the speed on Craigflower down ( should be at 30 km/h). 
  • Awaiting traffic calming recommendations
  • Many cars drive over the lines on the bike lanes on the corner of Skinner and Russel. Need to slow cars down and get them to go 30km here. 
  • On Raynor and Craigflower there is no coherent way to cross from the end of the path alongside the tennis courts to the corner at Raynor and Russel and down Raynor. Looking for recommendations for how to improve this 
  • Park staff agreed about the curb cut on Raynor and Russel corner
  • Got some progress on “Share the roads” signage  on Hudson
  • Work is continuing along Hudson and Langford intersection
  • Neighbours brought up issues about speed on Mary street and how it is being used as a cut through. Still waiting to see where the speed measurement strategies will be put in. 
  • Alston and Wilson Street need something to indicate that people are cycling across to drivers
  • City will get rid of stop sign for those on bikes and on foot. Should be a vehicle yield
  • Styles and Craigflower is a 30km/ h zone. Hopefully will get signs or a cross walk here
  • Message sent to the city regarding bicycle parking at Banfield
  • All ages and ability route through the north end of Vic West would be nice to see. City’s intention is unknown in regards to this.
  • The path through Banfield park was closed because of drainage issues and erosion. City is considering what to do here
  • City encourage to move kids at play sign to a location where people going down the hill can see it( from the Galloping Goose to Community Centre)
  • Paving by the railyards is quite damaged. Developer of railyards was supposed to undertake a traffic study
  • Looking for new members for the committee
  • Typically meet on the second Tuesday of the month 
  • Looking to reduce school traffic outside of the school during pickup and drop off . 
  • Looking for members that have a child at the Vic West School or in the PAC

Motion:  Moved by Nan Judd that the committee reports be received. Carried

  1.   New business arising (poll)
  1. Membership Fees 2021-22

95% approval on the poll

Motion: Moved by Justine Semmens  that the VWCA membership fees for 21-22 be maintained at $00.00. 

  1. Bylaw Amendment


The VWCA Board of Directors is made up of a number of qualified individuals who provide essential knowledge and skills to the Association. In order for the continued functioning of the society, the VWCA would like to propose amending our bylaws to ensure these individuals deemed necessary are able to remain on the board until an appropriate and willing replacement can be found. 

Current Bylaws

  1. Directors will be elected for two-year terms not to exceed three consecutive two-year terms.
  2. Directors who have completed three consecutive two-year terms may be asked by the Board to submit their names for election as a director for a fourth term at the AGM, because their skills and attributes are deemed necessary for the continued function of the Society.

Laws are written so the fourth term is the final term. Mike has been invited to stand for election for a fifth term because his skills are so necessary. 

Proposed Changes

  1. Directors will be elected for two-year terms. 
  2. Directors who have completed three or more consecutive two-year terms may be asked by the Board to submit their names for election as a director for an additional term at the AGM, because their skills and attributes are deemed necessary for the continued function of the Society.

27 people responded to the pool and 21 were in favour. 

Motion:  Moved by  Justine Semmens that the VWCA bylaws be amended to allow for Directors deemed necessary for the continued function of the Society to serve until a suitable replacement can be found. Carried. 

  1.   Election of Directors (poll)

Nominations will be invited from the floor.

– Jacqollyne Keath has put herself forward. She has not been a member for 3 months, but once she has she can be appointed at a board meeting. 

  • Current Directors standing for election 

Justine and Mike are both being re-elected in a special election 

Josh Cain, Reinhard Trautmann and James Aitken were appointed by the board over the past year and are now standing for election to the board by the membership. 

Justine Semmens (Special Election) Mike Medland (Special Election) Joshua Cain Reinhard Trautmann James Aitken

Motion: Moved by Dar Purewall to elect the following VWCA members as Directors for 2021-2022: Justine Semmens, Mike Medland, Joshua Cain, Reinhard Trautmann and James Aitken

Amended motion: Moved by Dar Purewall to elect the following VWCA members as Directors for 2022 – 2023: Justine Semmens, Mike Medland, Joshua Cain, Reinhard Trautmann and James Aitken. Carried. 

  1.     Announcements

Decision will be made at the board meeting whether to have meetings in person moving forward. Email will be sent out to gauge everyone’s comfort level in regards to this topic. Could run a hybrid model. 

  1.   Adjournment

Motion: Moved by Patti Parkhouse that the Annual General Meeting be adjourned. Carried. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm


This represents the termination of the Annual General Meeting


author: Coordinator


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